Saturday, June 26, 2010

The fly bites.

I have fly bites on my ankles. At the place I work, the flies are so aggressive that I am constantly stamping my feet like a horse. Would that I had the long tail too; those flies are so invasive. The dumpster is right next to the back door and the owner of the property refuses to move it. Despite those long plastic strips hanging from the back door frame, the flies still come in droves. When I take out the trash, I open the dumpster door and see a moving wall of white: an army of maggots crawling up the sides of the container. I have gotten up close and personal with those little buggers and I can tell you that they are fast and they are tenacious.
*Look, a pic of me when I was first sober and glad to be working at ALL.
I have to do the laundry at work. Our diner is attached to a motel that is owned by a man whose skinflintery excels that of my boss (my boss is the diner owner, but not the property owner). There is a guest laundromat. I wash the diner towels in those machines. I feel pity for the motel's customers who wash their clothes in the same machines I wash those greasy towels in...but there's nothing I can do about it other than wipe them out when I am done. For a while we were having maggots in the cook's towels, because that bucket o' towels we set outside on the grease trap (which is right next to the dumpster, yeah, it's FLY PARADISE!) and the flies were lovin' laying their eggs in that mass of towels that had hash browns, egg yolks, grease and all kinds of yummy stuff on 'em. I'd go to wash the towels and before you can say "jesusfuckingchristgettheseoffme" I'd have myriad maggots crawling up my arms. Once in a while one would make it up my sleeve and boy howdy, you wanna talk about something giving you the hibbity-jibbities! I'd shake the towels out into the dumpster, letting the bucket maggots redeploy with the dumpster maggots. Now, shaking maggots off towels into a dumpster is not such a really wonderful thing. Because sometimes a maggot will fly into your face. And if you had the hibbity-jibbities already, that will give you the serious creepy-crawlies tenfold. Especially if one lands anywhere near your lips. The great thing about dealing with the heebie-jeebies that come from maggots landing on your face is that it prepares you fully for emptying the lint screen of a dryer that has just dried maggoty towels. What you clean off that lint screen I'm pretty sure is considered a delicacy in some other country. I would look at the fried maggots (you can't shake them all off the towels. Some simply will not let go!) and think to myself, "Wow. Isn't that a lovely smell."
Once I got the majority of the maggots off the towels, I'd take them into the diner to pre-wash in the sink. And I was always fascinated by how they could survive bleach water. They can crawl straight up stainless steel too. AFTER being douched with bleach water. And they can crawl very very FAST. After a few times realizing that if I turned my back for a second they'd be up and over the sink, I quit doing that. It finally dawned on me that I needed to soak the outside towels in a mixture of degreaser and fly spray. And that ended my bucket o' maggots routine.
I have tried to decrease the number of flies in the dumpster but really, there isn't much I can do other than spray some fly spray in there from time to time and when they empty the dumpster, pour in some bleach. But my boss doesn't buy enough bleach for me to really go to town on that. I have to conserve. Because I never know when he's going to get me more bleach. So we toss our huge bags full of food scraps in the dumpster and the flies go in there and lay eggs and then for some reason they fly out of that smorgasbord and into the diner. I was talking to a coworker yesterday about this. "Why do the flies want to come in here? The dumpster is perfect, plenty of food, it's hot in there, moist...dark...why leave that fly palace and come in here trying to eat my legs off me? They must be the suicidal ones." (We talk about flies a LOT. Because there are so many of them).
When I get to work in the morning, I spend about fifteen minutes killing flies. I am always reminded of that old folk tale, "Fly-Killer" where the country fellow has notches in his belt and boasts of killing "Seven at a time" and people think he is talking 'bout killing people but he's a fly-killer. Yup that is me, folks. I spend some time killing flies in my area and then later I go out into the dining room and kill the ones on the left side then I go to the bathroom area and get some there too. I used to try to be discrete about it but the flies are so bad now that I'll be killing flies right on the table while people are eating. I came out into the dining room the other day and saw a couple eating at the corner table (for some reason the flies most like the corner tables!) and there were three flies on just one diner's straw. I can't for the life of me figure out why customers put up with that shit. My boss won't buy fly traps. Because they are too expensive. What he does is spray fly spray on everything at night when he is in there alone. He did it once while I was still in the building. I felt sick for two days. He sprays it prolifically and I shudder to think about people eating with the utensils and plates that have fly spray on them. But there is nothing I can do, except write to OSHA. Which I did. I haven't heard back from them, yet.

1 comment:

  1. OHSA doesn't care about us! Or you. Little did I know the name of your blog was so appropriate.
