Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day after Oh-sha

I felt trepidation about going to work this morning, more than usual; but things were pretty normal. My favorite server was there and it broke my heart to lie to her when she asked me if I had called OSHA. I had to though, to protect myself, because she would not be able to keep that info to herself. At any rate, the day was alright, although I had a tough time of it due to being so sick the night before. And the cook... the cook was... I'm pretty sure he was hung over. Or high. Or hung over from a really good high. I know him. And I know he did something last night. He's supposed to be in A.A. and he was doing really well. But he is one of those people ...
So he was OK but not up to his usual self. Why do I think he was high? He came into the back, spooned up some UNCOOKED macaroni and cheese (the noodles were cooked, but the cheese was not melted and there was raw egg ummixed sitting in a pool in the middle of the pan) into a bowl and ate it. I watched this in slow-mo and said "Hey, dude, that's not cooked." He continued to eat it. I told him it had raw eggs in it and that did not stop him. So we are back to having a main cook that is high at work. I thought we were past that. Oh well.
The other cook came in and took up the slack because the lead cook was...not quite right, obviously. Second cook was in a pretty good mood: Probably because his mom, who owns a restaurant, had asked him to come work for her and now he's getting into that groove, and will probably abandon the diner soon, and you can tell it makes him happy to think of leaving. Lead cook was talking about how badly he wants out of the diner too. Favorite waitress was talking about how so and so had offered her a job and she ought to go take her up on it.
One of the customers told me they heard from a friend of a friend that the manager/lead waitress is selling drugs from her apartment. She's been in prison, that one, don't know what for, but I wouldn't be selling drugs out of my home if I had been to prison, I don't think. The fact that she is able to buy all kinds of nice stuff for her apartment (she was telling me she has a very nice TV and Wii and such ... and I wondered how she could pay for it all. Now I think I might know). But that could just be a rumor. I dunno.
My boss didn't show up until the last of the day. I'd texted him twice asking him questions about stuff I needed to know but he never answered. I found out later he said "He'd had a rough day yesterday and had gone to the lake to fish." When he came in he did not speak to me but spoke through the manager. (His lackey). Then he informed us all that the diner would be shut down for four days next week, "Because everyone needs a break."
Well, then someone else came in and said it was because they were fixing the air conditioner. I'll believe THAT when I feel it. So we speculate that he has to get the wiring fixed due to the OSHA citations, that and/or fix the A/C. But such little notice is pissing everyone off including me, because people could have planned to take a vacation if he had given notice. If it is the OSHA stuff, I feel responsible, but I was ready for that to some degree. I didn't think of people losing out on the money from being closed down for repairs. But I don't think that is the reason because OSHA just told him to get a junction box correctly capped off and a cover put on the fuse box. I don't think that would take four days so maybe he is really fixing the A/c which would be a freakin' miracle. I don't know why he chose to do that without giving us all any kind of notice. But I get four days to go job-shopping. And rest, and hang out with sister and friend. And rest.And do yardwork.

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