Monday, July 19, 2010

New truck.

It's still hot as HADES at work, and my boss has bought a new truck to pull his new boat with. Granted they are not NEW NEW, just used vehicles, but they are not cheap vehicles either. He now has yet another truck JUST for pulling his boat.
And I can't get a raise from 7.50 an hour, and something is very wrong with this picture. He was looking at CAMAROS on e-bay earlier today.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

suspicious activity

So.Monday my boss gave me some 'extra' money on my paycheck. I'd only worked one day the previous week. He gave me enough to cover for half the time I missed. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was flabbergasted. And started believing in human kindness again, but it wore off pretty quick once the sweat drenched my shirt and began pooling in my socks.
Tuesday the cook didn't show up: so when I walked in my boss was behind the line cooking. I was sure I was in for HELL DAY: but no! He was pleasant to me all day and even cooked me something to eat. Well, I say he cooked me something to eat, but what he did was give me a plate with some toast on it and a dollop of oatmeal...but still, it was something other than a hard time, which again, made me suspicious. He's been such a complete and utter douchebag for so long now that the least act of kindness makes me so wary. How sad is that?
I saw a letter on his printer that was addressed to the owner of the building, basically outlining the money my boss is losing every week due to customers walking out. ($2000.00, according to the letter: but I don't know of many customers that walk out. We have the same people in there every day and they don't walk out even if it's 100 degrees and there are four flies on their table). Anyhow, the whole letter was my boss pleading to the owner to pay to have the air conditioning fixed. Not once does my boss mention his employees suffering in the sweltering heat for eight and sometimes nine or more hours a day. Anyhow my main thought on that was , "This is the first time my boss has asked the owner to fix the Air Conditioning? " This is the third summer there. And my boss is just now getting around to pleading with the guy. Why didn't he think of that the first summer when it was obvious the a/c was jacked?
I mean, all this time I thought he was just looking for a decent or cheap or whatever contractor, but that it was in the works to get it done. I've been strung along as far as I can be strung. I hear the lease is up soon and that my boss may take his restaurant elsewhere, but I don't want to live like this anymore, dreading going to work so much that I want to drive my car off a cliff on the way there. Crying to myself alone in the storeroom because I just want to walk out into the sunshine and fresh air, hot as it may be outside, a person can breathe.
So I have a job interview today, in an hour in fact. In a place that has air conditioning and is five minutes's walk from my front door.